First ISRM Commission Conference on Estimation of Rock Mass Strength and Deformability - an ISRM Specialized Conference
Lima, Peru, December 6, 2024

Sponsorship Information / How to Become a Sponsor

The Sri Lankan Rock Mechanics and Engineering Society (SLRMES) along with the Peruvian Society of Geoengineering (SPEG) invite you to participate in the First ISRM Commission Conference on Estimation of Rock Mass Strength and Deformability to be held in Lima, Peru on December 6, 2024.

The conference will cover advances in the areas of rock mechanics and rock engineering stated under the “Topics Covered” section of the website encompassing the fields of mining, civil, geological, and petroleum engineering, and geophysics focusing on the theme “Estimation of Rock Mass Strength and Deformability Including the Associated Components”. Each session is expected to start with a Session Lead Lecture given by an expert on the session topic. The technical lectures and trade exhibition programs are organized to provide conference supporters maximum exposure and interaction with participants from universities, industry, government, and exhibitors.

The following pages highlight the benefits of sponsoring the ISRM Commission conference at various levels and price points for all budgets. All levels of sponsoring include excellent exposure before, during, and after the conference, as well as complimentary delegate packages. Numerous single-event sponsorships are also available. Choose an overall level of support to gain the exposure you are looking for or combine one of our levels with an event sponsorship to increase your visibility during one of the popular networking and social events. Sponsorship opportunities start as low as $1000, ensuring that all companies can participate at some level. We look forward to discussing the various options and how we can meet your budget and marketing objectives.

We look forward to seeing you in incredible Peru in December 2024.

All sponsorship packages can be registered online at:

For more information or to discuss trade show opportunities, please contact:

Prof. Pinnaduwa H.S.W. Kulatilake, Conference Chair
Email address:

Book early to maximize the benefits of participating in the conference.

Sponsorship opportunities / perfect price for event


2 sponsors, each

Logo & name on front cover of program
Promotional items to be included in delegate registration package
Logo & name on symposium website + link to sponsor's website
Logo & name on screens before all sessions
Recognition of firm at opening ceremony
Logo & name in digital proceedings
Logo & name in sponsors section of program
Signage at symposium registration desk

Conference bag

1 sponsor

Logo & name on front cover of program
Logo and name on the conference bag
Promotional items to be included in delegate registration package
Logo & name on symposium website + link to sponsor's website
Logo & name on screens before all sessions
Recognition of firm at opening ceremony
Logo & name in digital proceedings
Logo & name in sponsors section of program
Signage at symposium registration desk

Coffee breaks

2 sponsors, each


Specify AM or PM

Logo & name on symposium website + link to sponsor's website
Logo & name on screens before all sessions
Recognition of firm at opening ceremony
Logo & name in digital proceedings
Logo & name in sponsors section of program
Signage at symposium registration desk

USB Proceedings

1 sponsor

Logo & name on symposium website + link to sponsor's website
Logo & name on screens before all sessions
Recognition of firm at opening ceremony
Logo & name in digital proceedings
Logo & name in sponsors section of program
Signage at symposium registration desk

Poster session

1 sponsor

Logo & name on symposium website
Logo & name on screens before all sessions
Recognition of firm at opening ceremony
Logo & name in digital proceedings
Logo & name in sponsors section of program
Signage at symposium registration desk

Name tags

1 sponsor

Logo & name on symposium website
Logo & name on screens before all sessions
Recognition of firm at opening ceremony
Logo & name in digital proceedings
Logo & name in sponsors section of program
Signage at symposium registration desk

Sponsor Registration / don't mıss event!

You must Create an Account for the website access to Proceed with Sponsor Registration. If you already have an Account you can Login to Proceed.

Please Login or Register to Proceed